Manually Importing PayPal fee transactions.

Legacy KB ID: 5714


How can I manually import my PayPal Fee into the bank ledger account in Reckon One?

Applies to:

Reckon One user, who is not using our integrated PayPal payment service.


Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for general guidance only and you should seek professional advice relating to your own specific circumstances before acting.

If you do have PayPal fees present on those transactions, you will need to import it separately.

You will re-import the same file, however, this time mapping the ‘Fee’ columns as the amount.

Step 1: Preparing the CSV file for import:

Before importing the PayPal transactions for fee, you will need to edit the file and add a new column called ‘PayPal fee’, which allows you to create a transaction rule based on this description, and therefore, speed the import process.

  1. Open the transactions file (CSV file) in MS Excel or any other spreadsheets you have.
  2. Insert a new column, next to the name column. (shown below)
  3. Enter the name ‘PayPal Fee’ in all the fields in that column.
  4. Save and close.

Step 2: Mapping the import.

  1. Go to Import from row field and change the row number to 2. Since the first row in import is the column headers (as shown in step 1, above screenshot).
  2. Go to the Date column (on imported data header) and select Date from the Available IPA Books+ Column header (as shown in step 2, above screenshot).
  3. Go to the new Name column (on imported data header. This is the field you inserted in above step 2.1) and select Description from the available IPA Books+ column header (as shown in step 3, above screenshot).
  4. Go to the Fee column (on imported data header, Step 6) and select Amount from the Available IPA Books+ Column header (as shown in step 6, above screenshot).
  5. Go to the Transaction ID column (on imported data header) and select Reference from the Available IPA Books+ Column header (as shown in step 5, above screenshot).
  6. Once done select Import the file button to import.

Step 3: Recording the transactions.

Once the transaction is imported it will be available under Transactions from bank area. You can import them individually or create a rule to import in bulk.

Step 3.1 Recording individually:

  1. Select Allocate Payment (step 2, above screenshot).
  2. Select the appropriate contact. (step 3).
  3. Select appropriate account (step 4).
  4. Select Accept to record the transaction.
  5. Repeat the process for all remaining transactions and/or delete any transactions that do not have any fee amount. (step 5 above).

Step 3.2 Recording in bulk via transaction rule

Alternatively: you can also create a transaction rule to automatically allocate the transaction based on description ‘PayPal Fee’.

  1. Select create rule option when the transactions appear in your bank window.
  2. Set the Description has field to all these words ‘PayPal Fee.’
  3. Reference has field to ‘Anything’.
  4. Amount is field to Any Amount.
  5. Set Contact to your preferred contact for PayPal fee.
  6. Set Account to your preferred account that you want to track for your PayPal Fee.
  7. Once done, select Save to save the rule.

When you import the transaction, once the rule is set, you will notice all the PayPal fee, is automatically matched. You will just need to accept it.

This will record the PayPal fee amount as separate transactions.

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