Hosted Checkerboard or Blurry Resolution Issue

Legacy KB ID: 5754


When I'm using Reckon Accounts Hosted with Google Chrome and I go to another tab/screen, then come back to my Hosted tab/screen, it's all pixelated with some parts of the screen black (like image below).


When I'm using Reckon Accounts Hosted with Google Chrome, I'm finding the resolution is very blurry and hard to read things.

How can I fix these issues?


We believe this issue started occurring in the latest Google Chrome release. We have found by going into Google Chrome's settings and disabling hardware acceleration, this fixes the issue.

To disable hardware acceleration, please follow the steps below:

1. Log out of Reckon Accounts Hosted

2. Click on the three vertical dots on the top right-hand corner of the Google Chrome browser

3. Click Settings

4. Type "hardware" at the top of the screen where it says "Search settings"

5. Click the sliding radio button next to "Use hardware acceleration when available" so that it turns from blue to grey

6. Click "Relaunch" (please note this will close all tabs/windows in your Google Chrome browser and re-open the browser)

7. Log into Reckon Accounts Hosted again and the issue should now be resolved

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