Euro Currency not updating after download

Legacy KB ID: 2965


Why doesn't the currency exchange rate update for the Euro dollar when I update the stock and currency through Quicken?


You may need to setup the Euro in the currency list, by default the Euro currency in Quicken is in error in currency code.

First you should delete the Euro currency that appears to be malfunctioning.

  1. Click on the Finance menu and choose Currency List
  2. Locate the Euro and click to highlight
  3. Click the Delete button that appears on the top left of the list.

From the help file "Entering:currencies" follow these simple steps to add the new currency.

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the name of the currency. (Euro) The complete list of names appears in the Currency List.
  3. Enter the currency symbol (Euro) and the three-digit International Standards Organisation currency code (EUR).
  4. (Optional) Assign a one-letter shortcut to each foreign currency to give you a quick way of entering foreign currency amounts in your register. For example, assign "E" as the shortcut letter for the Euro
  5. Enter the exchange rate for the currency. The exchange rate is the number of foreign currency units equal to one unit of your home currency (Australian dollars).

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