Invoice that contains a Reimbursable Group shows the total Reimbursable Expense incorrectly

Legacy KB ID: 4428


Why does my invoice containing reimbursable expenses not calculate the Reimbursable Expenses Total correctly when Amounts include tax is ticked on the invoice?


This issue will be experienced when service items are listed on the invoice before the reimbursable expenses.  Reimbursable expenses are added to an existing Tax Invoice prepared with Amounts including tax unticked through the Add time/costs button.  Then the Amounts include tax box is ticked. 

The Total for Reimbursable Expenses is incorrect although the total for the Tax Invoice is unchanged and correct. 

The Reimburable Expense Total is including the tax amounts of the items above the Reimbursable Group. 

This issue does not occur when Amounts include tax is unticked. 



Enter a Subtotal before the Reimbursable Group:

1.    Place the cursor on the Reimb Group line > Edit > Add Line

2.    In the Item column, select the Subtotal item - create it if it does not exist, as a Subtotal item;

3.    The Total Reimbursable Expense should change to the correct amount. 


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