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Adding Employees - Payroll App

Create employee

  1. To start adding employees, tap on Employees at the bottom of the screen.
  2. To add your first employee tap Create first employee, or plus in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Enter employee details.


Begin by entering the first name and last name of the employee. Then enter their Email address and Date of Birth.

You also have the option of entering the employees Gender and Marital status.

Next, tap on Contact tab on the top.


Now, fill in the employees Postal address and contact number. Then tap Employment tab.

If the employee has a different physical address, untick the same as postal address box.


Enter the employee Job title, select if the employee is Full time, Part time or Casual, and enter the standard hours work per week (for full time and part time only). Enter the date the employee started working for the company.

To help you prepare for the introduction of Single Touch Payroll 2 we have added the option to select the STP Phase 2 employment type when adding an employee. This field is not compulsory, but if you decide not to enter STP Phase 2 employment type now you will need to come back and update the employee before you make the switch. Preparing Employees for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app has a step by step guide on how to update employees before switching to STP Phase 2.

If you have configured Pay schedules you can add the employee to a schedule, otherwise leave as Unscheduled.

Choose the pay frequency and then tap the Tax tab.


Enter the employee's Tax file number (TFN), the State they work in, their Residency status and the applicable Tax scale. If they have a student debt (STSL, HELP, SFSS) select this option. Tap on Opening balances tab.

If they haven't provided a TFN, select the Employee has not provided a TFN option.
To help you prepare for the introduction of Single Touch Payroll 2 we have added the option to select the STP Phase 2 income stream code, and for Working Holiday Makers a Home country when adding an employee. These fields are not compulsory, but if you decide not to enter STP Phase 2 income stream code or Home country now you will need to come back and update the employee before you make the switch. Preparing Employees for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app has a step by step guide on how to update employees before switching to STP Phase 2.
Employee ABN

If an employee is has Employment type set to Voluntary Agreement, has not provided a TFN, and Tax Scale is Voluntary flat rate you will be asked to enter the ABN number for the employee.

Emergency contacts

You have the option to enter a primary and secondary emergency contact for the employee.

One all details have been completed select Done.

Enter leave entitlements

If the employee is full time or part time you will need to configure their annual and personal leave entitlements.

On the new employee screen select Enter leave entitlements

Leave entitlement

Annual leave

Select Edit leave and enter the Annual entitlement (hours), the Leave start date, and if applicable Leave loading. Once completed select Done.

Annual leave
Personal leave

Select Edit leave and enter the Annual entitlement (hours), and the Leave start date. Once completed select Done.

Personal leave
If the employee is new and have not been paid before, they do not have leave opening balances or year to date payments, you can skip the next 2 tabs and click Create text on the top right corner
Opening Balances
Opening balance is a Premium plan feature.

You can enter the Opening balances for Annual leave and Personal leave for the employee by selecting Enter other details in the bottom menu, followed by Enter opening leave balances.

Other details

Select the Annual leave, enter the opening balance for the leave and the Balance as at date. When completed, tap Save. Enter the hours and date for the Personal leave and tap Save. Then tap Initial YTD tab.

Current balances
Initial YTD

If you have started using the Payroll app part way through the financial year, the screen allows you to enter the total amounts paid already for Earnings, Tax Withheld (PAYG), Superannuation, Allowances and Deductions.

  • Tax withheld (PAYG): Enter the amount paid (YTD) and the effective date.
  • Earnings (YTD): Enter the amount paid (YTD), the effective date and choose the applicable Earning name: Ordinary, Double time, Paid Parental leave, Bonus or Time and a half.
  • Superannuation (YTD): Enter the amount paid (YTD), the effective date and choose the applicable Super name: Super guarantee or Salary Sacrifice for Super.
  • Allowances (YTD): Enter the amount paid (YTD), the effective date and choose the applicable Allowance name: Other, Laundry, Car (non taxed), Meal, Transport, Travel or Car (taxed).
  • Deductions (YTD): Enter the amount paid (YTD), the effective date and choose the applicable Deduction name: Social Club, Membership fees, Charity donations, FBT Contribution or Vehicle lease payment.
Initial YTDs

Once you're finished, tap Create text in the top right hand corner The employee has now been added. Tap Continue to return to the Employee list. For additional employees, choose the + in the top right hand corner.

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Creating a Pay Run - Payroll App

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