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This feature is available in Reckon Accounts 2021 R2 and onward.
Desktop and Hosted (R2) release date: June 22, 2021

Reckon Accounts users now have the capability to attach links to external files, such as documents or images, to various lists and transactions in Reckon Accounts. These documents can be stored in cloud storage such as Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive etc, or your own network drive. The choice is yours.

Using Links instead of an actual attachment gives Reckon Accounts users the ability to:

  • Choose their own storage provider or location, meaning you own the document, not Reckon (important for documents that must be retained for tax or payroll audit purposes for many years).
  • Modify, update or replace the files they are accessing or sharing without opening Reckon Accounts or needing a Reckon Accounts licence. It can all be done in their own storage (Cloud or network drive) without changing the link or downloading the file.
  • Ensure the most recent document available for them.
  • Manage attachment size. If Reckon were storing the documents, for example, we would need to limit the file size of your linked files. Now the choice is yours.
  • Promote good storage practices within your business. Physically saved attachments often end up on a user's local machine, meaning they are not accessible to other people within your organisation.
  • Better manage file security by utilising the share options available in most online storage providers.
  • Share documents outside of your organisation, such as standard terms and conditions for your customers.

Name List

Transaction List

Supplier List


Customer List

Sales Receipts

Employee List

Receive Payments

Other Name List


Item List

Sales Orders

Fixed Assets List

Purchase Orders

Other: Company info

Item Receipts


Write Cheques

Credit Card Charges

General Journal

Transfer Funds

Make Deposits

  • Links Name: 31 Characters
  • Links information: 1023 characters
  • Name List: 10 Links per entity
  • Transaction List: 5 Links per transaction.
  • Company information: 50 Links

Company Information

  1. Go to Company > Company information
  2. On the right-hand side, you will see a new button, "Links"
  1. Click the Links button to open the Links window.
  1. Add your document/files location > Click the Add button to open the Add link window.
  1. Enter a Name for your Link, then add your Private or Public Share links where your files, such as documents, images or videos, are. Click OK to save.
  1. The list of Links added will show in the Links window.
  1. To view/edit the attached Link/s - highlight the Link you wish to view and click the Edit button.

Note: The Edit and Delete button remains greyed out until you highlight the Link you want to view/edit.

  1. When the Edit Link window is open > highlight and copy the link you have saved.

Image 1: Using Google drive

Image 2: Using Local Network drive

  1. Open a browser or windows explorer (if saved on local network) and paste the link in the address bar > press Enter to open/view the Document, file or image from the shared link.

Image 1: Opening via browser

Image 2: Opening via local network shared drive

Name Lists

Links Button is not visible until the name record is saved. (the same procedure applies using the other Name List - see the list from the table above )

Transaction Lists

You can only use Links to existing transactions. (the same procedure applies using the other Transaction List - see the list from the table above )

A warning message will show for new transaction: "Please select an existing transaction to add Links. Links cannot be added prior to saving a New transaction"

New transaction

Existing transaction

Keyboard and Mouse Functionality



Ctrl + C - copy

Double click - highlights a continuous text

Ctrl + V - paste

highlight drag - highlights the text

Ctrl + X - Cut

Right-click mouse - gives options (undo Typing, copy, paste, cut and select all)

Del - Delete

Double left-click - opens the link/attachment for edit

Backspace - Delete

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Why Links, not actual attachments?

Using Links instead of an actual attachment gives Reckon Accounts users the ability to choose their own storage provider or location, modify, update or replace the files they are accessing or sharing without opening Reckon Accounts, ensure the most recent document available for them, manage their own attachment sizes, and promote good storage practices within your business.

Why not use a hyperlink to open the link?

We are serious about your Files and Reckon Network security. We need to ensure that accidental pasting of any harmful hyperlink - links that can damage your local network or our servers are prevented. Most definitely, if we could have provided hyperlink functionality without compromising security, we would have, and we'll definitely be looking at how we can achieve this in later releases.

What if I saved my local network drive path and other employees try to open the linked file using their computer? 

If you are working on a multi-user environment, we recommend saving all of your files for Link purposes in one online / network drive (or folder) where all Reckon Accounts Users have access. This way, they will not have any issues accessing/opening the file link. 

Will this be available for email?

Yes, we are in the early stages of implementing users to attach "links" when sending email from Reckon Accounts.

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How do I invoice a customer for a part or percentage of an estimate?

Reckon Credit Card Payment for Reckon Accounts

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