There is a connection failure message when lodging BAS through GovConnect

Legacy KB ID: 5326


Why do I get the error:

Customer Verification Error

There is a connection failure, please check your internet connection.  And check your system date is correct.  If the problem persists, contact Reckon support.

The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time (yyy-mm-ddTOh:mm:ss.ssss) is in the future.  Current time is ‘yyy-mm-ddTOh:mm:ss.ssss’ and allowed clock skew is ’00:05:00’.

How can I lodge my BAS?


Reset your computer clock to 2 minutes earlier.


The Issue.

For two computers to communicate they must be working on the same timeframe.  A couple of minutes difference is allowed, but any more and the communications will not proceed. 

The error message states that this computer’s time is later by more than allowed variance to the other computer – the SBR server.  (the opposite can also happen).



Reset your computer clock to 2 minutes earlier.

1.    Click on the clock in the bottom right of your screen

2.    Click on Change Date and Time settings

3.    Click on Change date and time

4.    Move the minutes number 2 lower.

a.    eg: 4:50:00 becomes 4:48:00

5.    click OK and OK. 

You can now process your BAS successfully.


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BAS W2 figures are incorrect

Have not received confirmation that BAS was processed through GovConnect

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