Thunking Spooler APIS from 32 to 64 Process has stopped working

Legacy KB ID: 4837


Why do I get the error “Thunking Spooler APIS from 32 to 64 Process has stopped working”, when I edit or create a template?



You will encounter this error when your Reckon printer files become corrupt.



Delete the Reckon printer files.


Windows 10 & 11

Printer files are located in C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20XX (where XX is the software version, for example: 23 for Reckon Accounts 2023)

The ProgramData directory is hidden by default in Windows.

You can use environment variable to access this directory by typing the following %ProgramData%\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20XX in your File Explorer window as shown below.

To files you need to delete are:

  2. WPR.INI

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