Error 3163 - The field is too small..., importing from Pro-Timer

Legacy KB ID: 5460


Why can’t I import my data from Pro-Timer?  I keep getting the error: Error 3163 - The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.


Remove all special characters from the name specified in the error message. 

The Issue

When the import function comes across a special character (any character on the top number line of the keyboard), the process will have difficulty continuing and will issue an error message such as this one.

Removing the special characters will avoid this error. 


Remove items with special characters from your Pro-timer export file (an IIF format file).  (Reckon Hosted users should move this file to their local PC)

  1. In Windows/File Explorer, open the TimerExport.iif file with Excel
  2. Find the item specified in the error message, take down details of the transaction (or copy to another file)
  3. Delete this item from the file
  4. Remove other items that use special characters
  5. Save the file, keeping its IIF format
  6. Import the file again into your Reckon Accounts
  7. Enter manually the transaction/s removed
  8. In Reckon Accounts, modify the name of the item and remove all special characters
    If a customer or supplier name is involved, remove special characters from the address and ship to fields as well
  9. Export new lists to Pro-Timer 

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