Downloading your reports XLSX from Reckon Accounts Hosted

Downloading your report

Once you have created a report and exported it, it will be saved on a location on your Hosted Q: drive or B: drive.

You will be able to download your report from Hosted using the Floating toolbar (with the Red Toolbox icon).

Downloading the report:

  1. Once logged into Reckon Accounts Hosted, click on the floating toolbar as shown above.
  2. Click on the ‘down arrow icon’ to download the file.
  3. You will see the file browser window open. It will by default look into the Hosted Q: root folder (My Live Q:).
  4. To more easily locate the report, in the File name: field type *.xls or *.xlsx and then press the Enter key.
  5. Navigate to the correct report file you wish to download and click on it to start the download.
  6. It should ask you for the location where you would like to download it to. By default, it should select Download folder on your PC. You can change it if you like.
  7. Once you have selected the destination, click on Save.
  8. Your download will now start.

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