When printing a report or form, why do asterisks print in the amount field?

Legacy KB ID: 567


When I print out a report instead of the amounts some of my columns have asterisks in them.


Check that the columns are wide enough to display the amounts.

To adjust the size of report columns:

1) On the report window, locate the diamonds between the report headings. These diamonds are used to resize the column width.

2) Click the diamond to the right of the column that has the asterisks and drag the diamond to the right. 3) Continue to resize the column until it is wide enough to hold the full number. This problem can also occur on forms, such as purchase orders or invoices that have been customised in the Layout Designer. To avoid this problem make sure the fields you create in the Layout Designer are large enough to display full numbers.

To enlarge a field on a customised form in the Layout Designer:

1) From the Lists menu, choose Templates.

2) Choose the customised template you want to change. Note: The Layout Designer can only be used for customised forms. Quicken's standard templates cannot be changed. However, you can duplicate a Quicken standard template, save as a different name and then customise it.

3) From the Template button menu, choose Edit.

4) Click the Layout Designer button.

5) Check the fields and columns on the form to see if any of them seem too small.

6) Enlarge the fields as necessary. (Refer to the QuickBooks User's Guide or Help for complete instructions on how to use the Layout Designer.)

7) Click OK twice.

8) Preview the form to check to see if your changes worked.

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