Process Credit Card Payment option is Greyed Out when entering a sales receipt or payment

Legacy KB ID: 5138


Why is the Pay by Credit Card option greyed out when entering a sales receipt or payment?


Change the preferred payment method for this customer. 


The Issue

This issue will arise when a payment type other than credit card has been set as the preferred payment method for the customer.



1.    In the Customer Centre, double-click the customer name to open the Edit Customer window;

2.    Click the Payment Info tab.

3.    Click the drop-down arrow under Preferred Payment Method and select a credit card options;

4.    Enter the customer's credit card information in the Preferred Payment Method section;

5.    Click OK to save your changes.

Create a sales receipt or enter a payment for the customer. The Process Credit Card payment option will be available.


If the problem persists:

1.    Open the Payment Method list – Lists > Customer & Supplier Profile List > Payment Method List

2.    Double-click the credit card payment method you are trying to use;

3.    Make sure the Payment Type field is set to a valid credit card payment type;

4.    Click OK.

Create a sales receipt or enter a payment for the customer. The Process credit card payment option will be available.

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