Why don't terminated contractors show in the correct Payment Summary?

Legacy KB ID: 2384


If you Terminate an employee it loses its original status and becomes terminated (status). i.e. After terminating go into the Terminated Employee list and edit that employee, in the Company Tab the Status is blank.

If you do your Payment summaries a terminated contractor appears under the Normal Payment Summaries rather than the Contractor Payment Summaries.  What can I do?


  1. Go to Reports > Payment Summaries > Print Labour Hire and Voluntary Agreement
  1. Change the report if required to the correct date range.
  2. Click on the Edit Report icon, then on the Filter icon
  3. In the Report filter window that comes up, at the bottom there is a text field headed "Filter:". In this field delete the words "Employee Status  = Contractor  And", and click Save
  4. Click on the Edit Report icon to exit Edit mode.
  5. The contractor(s) should now show (use Next and Previous)
  6. When you close the report save it as the default report.

Note that the contractor will still show up in the standard Payment Summaries. This Payment Summary should not be used.

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