Server Busy/Allow or Deny message when emailing from Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 5772


When I try to send an email or batch send emails from Reckon Accounts using Microsoft Outlook (Office 365), a warning appears asking me to:

  • "Switch To" or "Retry", and/or
  • To "Allow" or "Deny"

Emailing in Reckon Accounts

Depending on your security, permission, and Office version, sending an email from Reckon Accounts via Outlook may encounter the Server Busy/Allow or Deny message with “Display each email before sending” enabled or disabled.

This setting can be viewed by navigating from the Edit menu > Preferences > Online > Company Preferences.

  • ENABLED - an email preview is opened and waiting for user input to be sent.
  • DISABLED - due to the built-in Microsoft feature on Outlook to prevent possible malware from programmatically accessing your Outlook application, address book or contacts.


This is a Microsoft-based issue.

At no point is Reckon responsible for this error message appearing, nor can we assist with this error outside of this knowledgebase article. If you find this knowledgebase article is not working for your installation of Outlook, your immediate point-of-call should be Microsoft Technical Support or your local IT professionals.

Performing the steps below should allow you to an email or batch of emails with "Display each email before sending" disabled in Reckon Accounts.

Option 1: Add a DWORD value entry in Outlook Policies
The following solution was provided by Microsoft support to one of our Accredited Partners and was tested to be working. Please refer to your local IT professional before proceeding.
It is highly recommended to perform a Registry backup before proceeding with the steps below.

To back up the registry:
- Go to File > Export on the Registry Editor window
- Choose a location to save the Registry file
- Select the Export range to be All
Then click on Save
  1. Open the Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\security
  3. Right-click on security and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
  4. Set the Name as PromptSimpleMAPISend
  5. Double-click to set the Value Data as 2 (Hexadecimal)
  6. Click OK

If the above is insufficient, kindly add the additional DWORD Values:













Option 2: Modify the Microsoft Outlook Trust Centre settings
Give Reckon Accounts Business Full Control Permissions;
Check if your email preview is turned on and turn it off;
Check and Modify the Registry settings;

How to modify the Microsoft Outlook Trust Centre

Warning: Turning off this security feature may make your PC vulnerable to sending emails from unauthorized programs. Users should check with their IT personnel and their company policy on such actions before making this adjustment.
  1. In Microsoft Outlook, go to File > Options > Trust Centre > Trust Centre Settings > Programmatic Access
  2. Set the option to "Never warn me about suspicious activity (not recommended)"

If this option is greyed out, you might need to modify your antivirus or firewall settings.

For more details, continue reading this article.

How to give Reckon Accounts Business Range Full Control Permissions

  1. Close Reckon Accounts Business Range
  2. Right-click the launch/shortcut icon on your Desktop
  3. Select "Properties"
  4. Go to Security > Edit
  5. In the Permissions Box for <USERS>, tick the Allow box for Full Control
  6. Click "OK" to save and close.

If this does not work, have your 'IT personnel/local IT professional' attempt the following:

  1. Go to the Windows Start menu
  2. Search for "Outlook"
  3. Right-click and select "Open File Location"
  4. Right-click on the Outlook shortcut and select "Open File Location"
  5. Right-Click on "OUTLOOK.EXE" and select "Properties"
  6. Go to Security > Edit
  7. On <ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES>, <ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES> and <USERS>, tick the Allow box for Full Control. It is strongly advised that a security program (antivirus) is put in place before these options are modified in any form.
  8. Press "OK" to save and close

Option 3: Other options



"A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf" warning in Outlook

Microsoft has created their own knowledgebase article on this topic - we strongly advise that you contact a certified Microsoft professional or your local IT professional when following their instructions.

Firewall and Antivirus permissions

While this is a document intended for use in a Multi-User Environment, there are semi-rare cases where MAPI errors are caused by antivirus/firewall programs that prevent Reckon Accounts Business Range from accessing Outlook. In this situation, modifying your firewall and exceptions list may be in order.

For more information or assistance, please contact your IT personnel/local IT professionals before attempting these modifications.

Download and install ClickYes

The following workaround is a suggestion only.
Users should check with their IT personnel and their company policy on the installation and use of third-party programs. Reckon does not and will not offer any support or advice for said third-party programs. Reckon are in no way partnered, affiliated, joined or in agreement with any part of ClickYes or its manufacturers.

ClickYes is a third-party tool that automatically selects "Yes" to the Allow/Deny errors. There may be a cost factor involved in the installation and use of this software with later editions of Outlook.

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