Reckon Desktop POS: Price update in POS Admin is not properly reflected in Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 4412


When I change the price of an item in POS why does Reckon Accounts show a slightly different price? 

I changed the item price from $115.00 to $100.00 (gross) but when transferred to Reckon, the price was listed as $99.99998. 


You may experience this issue when you store item prices in QuickBooks in NET amounts (amounts that do not include tax). When this information is transferred to POS, the price will be stored in a GROSS amount (amounts that include tax) then rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places. 

When you change a price in POS, you change the GROSS amount.  When this price change is posted to a Reckon file storing prices as NET, Reckon will convert the GROSS price to a NET price. When this information is presented in a report, tax will be added and displayed in up to 5 decimal places.


Tick the "Amounts include Tax" box on each Item record.

When you have a large number of items to convert

These steps will show you how to export information to an IIF file, use Excel to convert some information and import the changed IIF back to QuickBooks.  If you are not confident with these processes please refer to your IT professional or a Reckon Accredited Partner. 
  1. Complete all End Of Day processing in POS and post to Reckon.
  2. Before continuing make a backup of your company file.
  3. In Reckon, export the Item List to an IIF file:
    File > Utilities > Export > to IIF > Tick Item List > Export
  4. Open the IIF with Excel and go to column AF – AMTICTAX: Amounts include Tax. Use the Excel commands to change all the N notations to Y. 
  5. In Reckon import the changed IIF file: 
    File > Utilities > Import > IIF Files > Select the file > Open
  6. View the Items List to see prices in Gross with the box "Amounts include Tax" box ticked.
  7. Transfer data from Reckon back to POS.

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