Retrieving a Held Transactions does not update the status of the transaction

Legacy KB ID: 5432


Why doesn’t the status of a Held Transaction change to normal after I have retrieved it?


Refresh the Terminal screen by either putting the Terminal into Training mode and back again, or closing down the Terminal and re-opening it.


The Issue

You may experience this issue when you put the transaction on hold on one terminal and then retrieve it on another terminal.  The terminal that put the transaction on hold will continue to show the transaction as Held.

This is a display issue on Reckon the first Terminal on Reckon POS Lite and Pro versions, and can be rectified by refreshing the screen. 


To refresh a Terminal screen:


Put the Terminal in Training Mode by pressing F6.  Press F6 to return to normal mode. 


Close the Terminal and re-open it.

The transaction will no longer show as being on Hold. 


Need more help?

If you still have problems you may find your answer on the Reckon Community at:


How did we do?

QuickPos Admin.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.

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