Reckon Accounts Hosted: When Performing a Backup Hosted is Frozen or Not Responding

Legacy KB ID: 5597


Why does my Reckon Accounts Business (and/or Hosted) freeze when backing up my data file?

Why does Complete Verifications option on backup file, in Reckon Accounts (Desktop or Hosted both) take longer to complete?


You may have selected complete or quicker verification option in the backup of the file and your TLG file’s data size is large.

The file with the TLG file extension (Transaction Log) that accompanies your company data file (e.g. yourcompanyfile.qbw.tlg) is a special file that logs all the changes to the company data file before it is written to the data file. It logs the changes since your last backup until your next backup. Having a large TLG file will have an adverse effect on the performance of the data file. See for more information.

If you have not created a backup of your file before using the file backup menu within Reckon Accounts, it is quite possible for this TLG file to grow very large. Further, if your data file itself is larger like 1 GB or more, it will make the situation even worse, where the TLG file can grow double the size of your company file. This will reduce the performance of the file significantly.

Similarly, if you did backup with no verification option selected, it will again not reset the TLG file. This will continue to degrade the file performance.

Therefore, it is recommended to do a regular backup of your data file with complete verification option selected, so it can reset the TLG file regularly. How long the backup takes depends on the size of your data file and the size of the TLG file.

It is OK to see the not responding warning message during this operation. Please ensure your PC does not go into sleep mode whilst this process is completing.

Please see this Community Post for more information. 

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Reckon Accounts Desktop: Error (-6155, 0) when trying to restore a backup

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