Share holdings reported incorrectly when total shareholding is large.

Legacy KB ID: 4081


Why does the Investing Overview screen show my total holding for one share not add up correctly?  It is a very large holding.


Fields in Quicken generally have a limitation to 99,999,999.99.  When you enter a number larger than the limit, Quicken will not accept the transaction. 

However the shares column, if a transaction that is within the limit takes the total above the limit, then the first transaction will reduce by the amount above the limit. 



Create a second brokerage account for the shares above the limit. 

You will also need to create another security for this share, as the Asset Allocation and the Portfolio Value reports can only report up to 99,999,999.99.

For the share price download to work properly for both securities, they will need to be linked.  To link the two securities:

1.    Name the second security xxx 1 (where xxx is the same name as the original), but leave the ticker symbol blank;

2.    Save the second security then edit it and enter xxx as the ticker symbol;

3.    When the Symbol Change Affects Price History window appears, select Default;

Whenever the security is edited or the share price updated, both will be changed.


The Investing Overview screen, the Asset Allocation and Portfolio Value reports will be correct. 


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