Customised Letter Templates are lost when a backup is restored.

Legacy KB ID: 5106


I have restored a backup of my company file to a new location and now I have lost my customised template.  Can I get my customised letter templates back?


Copy the QuickBooks Letter Templates folder (from 2014: Reckon Accounts Letter Templates) from the original location to the new location. 


The Issue

Letter Templates are stored in a separate folder QuickBooks Letter Templates (from 2014: Reckon Accounts Letter Templates) in the same location as your company file. 

When you create a backup of your company file the Letter Templates folder is not included in the backup. 

When you restore a backup to the same location there is no problem as the Letter Templates folder is there. 

When you restore a backup to a new location your Letter Templates folder has to be recreated from the installation files.  These do not contain your customised letter templates. 



Copy the QuickBooks Letter Templates folder (from 2014: Reckon Accounts Letter Templates) from the original location to the new location. 



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