Desktop Accounts Business takes a long time to load after upgrading computer

Legacy KB ID: 5196


Why does Accounts Business take much longer to load on my new computer?


If you have upgraded to a Windows 8 computer then your performance may be related to your computer configuration may not be optimum for running Accounts Business.  Some features that Accounts Business uses are not turned on by default in Windows 8.

We offer these steps as information only as the steps below have worked for users in the past.


We also suggest that you launch Accounts Business with the option .


Reckon strongly recommends you discuss your situation and these steps with your IT professional before proceeding.


Detailed instructions

Please Note:  Before proceeding, users should ensure that System Restore is turned on.  Create a fresh Restore Point before proceeding with these steps. 

For written instructions see:

For video instructions see:


Turn on .Net Framework 3.5 in Windows 8

1.    On the opening Start screen click C and select Control Panel from the list that opens;

2.    Click on Programs and Features and then on Turn Windows features on or off;

3.    Scroll down the window to Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and tick the box next to it.  This will also turn on .Net Framework 2.0;

4.    Click the plus sign (+) and ensure all subfolders are ticked;

5.    Click OK to close

You can now install Accounts Business.


During the installation you may get the following message: 

An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature: 

.Net Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0).

This error indicates that Windows 8 was unable to turn on .Net Framework.  The message offers you the opportunity to download and install the feature.  If you click it you may get another error that Windows could not connect to the internet, despite your connection being good and active. 

You should install the .Net Framework features from the Windows 8 Installation DVD: 

1.    To continue you must be logged onto the PC with an Administrator account;

2.    Insert the Windows 8 Installation disk into your DVD drive and close the window that opens;

3.    Copy the sources\sxs folder on the DVD to a similar folder on your C drive;

4.    Click the letter C on the opening Start screen;

a.    Right-click Command Prompt from the list that opens

b.    Click on Run As Administrator on the Task Bar;

c.    The white-on-black command prompt window will open;

5.    Enter the following at the command prompt (C:\Windows\system32>):     

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:c:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

6.    Wait while the feature installs.  On completion you will get the line “The operation completed successfully.”

You will now be able to install Accounts Business.


Accounts Business requires another .Net Framework application (1.1) that it will install from the Accounts Business installation disk.  Under some conditions that application may fail to install properly and the Accounts Business installation will fail.  If this occurs you should install .Net Framework 1.1 directly:

1.    Insert your Accounts Business installation disk into your CD/DVD drive and exit from the menu page

2.  On the opening Start screen, click on Desktop;

3.  Open Windows Explorer, right-click on your CD/DVD drive and select Open;

4.    Browse to ThirdParty\dotNET11;

5.    Double click on dotnetfx.exe to install .Net Framework 1.1;

6.    When installed, double click on dotnetsp1.exe to install .Net Framework 1.1 ServicePack 1  (CARE: do not select dotnet2003sp1.exe)

7.    When complete, install Accounts Business again. 


You should now check that installing the .Net Framework features has not adversely affected your key applications.  For instance, launch Microsoft Office and:

·         open Outlook and check that you send and receive emails with attachments and links correctly;

·         Open a Word document, make a change, Save and Close, and open the file again;


Running Accounts Business with

Once Accounts Business is installed

  1. , right-click the Accounts Business desktop icon > Properties > Compatibility;
  2. Tick Run this program in compatibility mode for, and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2);
  3. Tick the box Run this program as an administrator under Privilege Level;

4.    Repeat these steps for the Accounts Business launch application in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx\

                                          i.    QBW32.exe, and

                                         ii.    QBW32.exe

1.    Where Edition = Premier, Pro, Plus, etc;

2.    Where Flavour = Accountant, Contractor, etc;

(Premier and Enterprise Editions only)

  1. When a user with user privileges only launches Accounts Business they will be asked for an Administrator username and password. 



Warning.  Any future Microsoft Automatic Update could disrupt the operation of Accounts Business.


For other Reckon Knowledge Base articles regarding the Windows 8 operating system search “Windows8” at this page If you are planning to upgrade to Windows 8 it is advised that you consult your IT professional. 


Additional Information

For more information on installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8, please click on this link:



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