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Incorrect amount reported at BAS W1


After updating the Tax Tracking Type – either manually or using the Migration Assistant – the amount reported in the Simplified BAS for W1 – Total of salary, wages, and other payments retains the previous amount.

This is because the Payroll Item that the Tax Tracking Type is linked to is at a transactional level.

Note that this behaviour is an existing issue found in the previous versions, but is more apparent in Reckon Accounts 2023 due to the STP Phase 2 Disaggregation of Gross reporting.


Refresh the Paycheque to which the Payroll Item was used.

This will more likely affect any pays processed before the Tax Tracking Type is updated for a payroll item.

New pays will be reported correctly.

Detailed Steps

Assume that the Tax Tracking Type has been updated.
  1. To find and refresh a previous pay that uses the updated Payroll Item, open the Payroll Item Detail report by going to Reports > Employees & Payroll
  2. Double-click to open the Paycheque
  3. Click on Paycheque Detail
  4. Select Unlock Net Pay
  5. Click OK then click Save & Close

  1. Open the Simplified BAS/IAS by going to Reports > Tax
  2. Go to Taxes and Amounts Withheld tab and check the changes for W1
  3. Otherwise, click on Refresh to update the amount in W1

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Payee Record Count must be equal to the number of children (PAYEVNTEMP) - STP Submission Error

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