Archiving Data will remove Terminated Employees after the To Pay Date

Legacy KB ID: 4890


Why can I no longer see Terminated Employees?  I recently archived old data.



You may experience this issue if your archiving included the Advanced options

·         Archive Terminated Employees and Their Pays, and

·         Remove Employees from Current Company.

The Advanced options are not limited by the date range selected in the Archive Data tab.



1.    Restore the backup made prior to starting the archive process;

2.    Rename the backup to another name – eg Archive to dd/mm/yy

3.    In the current file:

                      i.        Archive Employees and Pays only (Archive Data tab) with the “To Pay Date” set to today or the end of the last financial year.  For the archive file, do not over-write the file created in Step 2;

                     ii.        In the smaller current file, archive again with the Advanced tab options only.

We suggest that you remove terminated employees after an Empdupe file and been processed for the past financial year and before an employee is terminated in the current financial year.

You will now have an archived file with all employees and their pays up to the “To Pay Date”, a smaller current file which will have active employees only and another archive file containing the employees removed in Step 3.i. 

If you discover that terminated employees from the current financial year have been removed a number of pays after archiving, and it is deemed too many pays to redo, then you will need to submit a manual PAYG withholding Payment Summary Annual Report to the ATO for this financial year. 

See the ATO website at: for further information and forms. 


How did we do?

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