Moving Reckon Personal Plus or Home and Business to a new PC

Legacy KB ID: 5705


How do I move my Reckon Home and Business or Personal Plus and all the data files to a new PC?

Applies to:

Reckon Accounts Home and Business or Personal Plus


When replacing your old PC with a new one, care should be taken on migrating your sensitive data files into the new PC. You should make plenty of backup of your data files.

Detailed steps.

Below are the recommended steps we suggest.

  1. Clean up your datafile on your current machine - File > File Operations > Validate, then super Validate;
  2. Make a back-up to the compressed *.rkn format to your local PC and then copy the backup to a USB stick or the like;
  3. Make sure you have your IKC (Help > Licence Information) and your Reckon Customer ID and PIN;
  4. On your new computer create a ReckonHAB directory in your Documents folder with 2 subdirectories: Backup and Current;
  5. Copy your data file to Documents\ReckonHAB;
  6. Copy your backup to Documents\ReckonHAB\Backup;
  7. Download your Reckon Personal Plus or Home & Business software from the Reckon Members Area straight to your new PC. Click the link here to access the Reckon Members Area - .
  8. Install Home & Business or Personal Plus by clicking the install file that you have downloaded.
  9. Open the Sample file and Activate. Make sure the program closes and opens to the sample file properly;
  10. Restore your backup and save the working file to the Documents\ReckonHAB\current folder.
  11. Uninstall Home & Business (or Personal Plus) off your old PC;

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