QuickPos Admin.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.

Legacy KB ID: 3424


How can I open my QuickPos again?


The error "QuickPos Admin.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program." appears whilst using POS Admin.

When the program is restarted the following message appears; "Administrator Cannot Start The Windows Messaging System. You must restart your computer."

The user will need to close all programs and reboot their machine, this will eliminate the error relating to the 'Windows Messaging System'.

The customer may have recieved the 'QuickPos Admin.exe' error because they have minimised their customer list in Admin and closed the program.  This issue has been fixed in version 6 however in the mean time close Admin, Run - regedit adn follow the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > VB adn VBA Program Settings > QuickPOS Administrator.  Delete the directory named Customer List and then close the Registry Editor.  Next time you open Admin this file will be recreated.

To prevent this error from occurrng again do not minimise the customer list in Admin.

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