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Unrecoverable Error when creating a Sales Order due to insufficient quantity


An unrecoverable error is encountered when attempting to create a Sales Order transaction when the conditions below occur. Also note that this issue is specific to Windows Server environment (including Reckon Accounts Hosted) due to memory handling.

  1. You do not have enough quantity on-hand to sell an inventory item.
  2. You are creating a Tax Invoice for the inventory item with insufficient quantity and clicking on the Save button.
  3. You clicked on Yes on the prompt below, then OK on the 'Specify Quantity to Place on Sales Order' window.


  1. Click on No on the Insufficient Quantity to Complete Sale prompt to continue creating the Tax Invoice transaction instead of the Sales Order.
  2. Click on the other saving options for the Tax Invoice instead of the Save button and continue creating the Sales Order transaction.
  3. Create a Sales Order transaction first and convert to an Invoice.

How did we do?

Saving a PDF the second time changes the file type to TXT in Reckon Accounts Hosted

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