How to create a GST Ageing Summary Report

Legacy KB ID: 5211


How can I get an Ageing Report for the GST component of my outstanding Receivables and Payables?



Filter an Ageing Summary Report to show Split Detail for the Tax Payable Account. 


The Issue

You can filter the standard Receivable and Payable Ageing Reports to show entries to particular accounts.  A focus on the Tax Payable Account will give you the GST component.


Detailed Instructions

1.    Open an Ageing Summary Report with date set as Today

2.    Click on Modify > Filters

3.    In the Accounts box, select All Accounts Receivable (or Payable)

4.    In Include Split Detail, select “for detail accounts matching” >Tax Payable Account

Your Ageing summary Report will now display only the GST amounts of the transactions.


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