Error accessing and displaying CHM files in Reckon Accounts QBi

Legacy KB ID: 380


Why am I experiencing errors when accessing / displaying CHM files in Reckon Accounts QBi?


The file associated program to view .CHM files should be set to - Microsoft® HTML Help Executable

To check this;

Microsoft Windows XP/10/11 users:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel > Folder Options
  2. Click the File Types tab
  3. Locate and select CHM (Compiled HTML Help file) from the Registered file types list
  4. The Details for 'CHM' extension should be set to Microsoft® HTML Help Executable (If this is the case, follow through to steps 11 - 14)

    If not;
  5. Click Change...
  6. Click Browse...
  7. Navigate to C:\Windows\hh.exe
  8. Select hh.exe from the Open With window
  9. Click Open
  10. Click OK
  11. From the Windows Start menu, select Run...
  12. Type regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx in the Open field and click OK
  13. A window will appear stating the DllRegisterServer in hhctrl.ocx succeeded
  14. Click OK

Microsoft Windows Vista users:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Default Programs
  2. Click Associate a file type or protocol with a program
  3. Locate & click on .CHM (Complied HTML Help file) from the list
  4. The Current Default for 'CHM' extension should be set to Microsoft® HTML Help Executable (If this is the case, follow through to steps 11 - 15)

    If not;
  5. Click Change program...
  6. Click Browse
  7. Navigate to C:\Windows\hh.exe
  8. Select hh.exe from the Open With window
  9. Click Open
  10. Click OK
  11. From the Windows Start menu, type Run in the Start Search field
  12. Select Run from the Programs list
  13. Type regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx in the Open field and click OK
  14. A window will appear stating the DllRegisterServer in hhctrl.ocx succeeded
  15. Click OK

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