Errors H101, H202, H303, H505, -6177,0, -6123,0, -6000, -77, -80, -83 on network environment

Legacy KB ID: 3626


Why am I receiving errors - "H101," "H202," "H303," "H505", -6177,-0, -6123,-0, -6000, -77, -80, -82 when opening a company file on a networked Reckon Accounts Business?


Reckon Accounts Business is trying to establish a connection to the company file and can't communicate with the server. Several issues can cause these errors:

  1. Hosting configuration settings are incorrect.
  2. The firewall is blocking incoming or outgoing communication to the company file.
  3. The .ND file is damaged or incorrect.
  4. Accounts Business can't obtain the IP address of the system or server hosting the company file.


Please Note that networking is supported only on Windows Pro versions and higher. Home Editions have different permission levels and simpler networking features that make it use unsuitable for an application like Accounts Business.

We suggest that users follow the following steps in rectifying this issue. Testing for results after each step until the problem is resolved.

As a preliminary step, users should:

  1. Ensure mapped drives are using the UNC convention – the drive refers to a network share and then the server\Reckon Accounts. (in some instances, a DNS server name has been used)
  2. Restart the computers and try again.
  3. Ensure the Reckon Accounts Company file (data file) are not under the many layers of subfolders. We recommend you put the files on the main folder in the drive avoiding the subfolders.
  4. If the problem persists, then continue with this document.
Step 1: Ensure that only one PC is hosting multi-user access
  1. For a Client/Server network – only the File Server is hosting multi-user access through the Database Server Manager.
  2. For Peer-to-Peer networks – only the host PC is hosting multi-user access.
  3. To check hosting on workstations, click on File then Utilities:
    1. If Stop Hosting Multi-User Access appears on the menu, click it and click Yes to confirm
    2. If Host Multi-User Access appears on the menu, stop and proceed to the next step
    3. Close Reckon Accounts/QuickBooks
    4. Repeat step 2 on all workstations that do not store the company file
    5. Try opening the company file on the computer where the error occurred. If it opens successfully, the issue is resolved. If the error still occurs, go to the next step.

To check hosting on a Server:

  1. Click on Start then type services.msc in the search programs;
  2. Find Quickbooks Database Server Manager or QBCF Monitor Service and note whether it is set to Automatic and is Started. If not refer to Step 2 below.
  3. Find QuickBooksDBxx (where xx is your Reckon Accounts version):
    1. 2024: 33,
    2. 2023: 32
    3. 2022: 31,
    4. 2021: 30,
    5. 2020: 29,
    6. 2019: 28,
    7. 2018: 27,
    8. 2017: 26,
    9. ...
  4. Note whether it is set to Started. If not refer to Step 2 from the next section
  5. Try opening your company file.
Step 2: Ensure the Reckon Accounts System User has permissions to access the company files:
  1. Right-click & select Properties on the folder where the company files are stored.
  2. Go to the Security tab.
  3. Under the Groups or username list on Security tab – locate QBDataServiceUserxx (where xx is RA version).
  4. If QBDataServiceUserxx is not in the Groups or username list, click Add.
  5. On Select Users or Groups window, click on Advanced…
  6. On the second window of Select Users or Group window, click on Find Now.
  7. Locate QBDataServiceUserxx from the Search Result below then click Ok.
  8. QBDataServiceUserxx appears in the list of Security tab.
  9. Allow QBDataServiceUserxx full control to the folder by ticking the checkbox for Full Control. Then click Apply and OK.
    The following instructions refer to a user called QBDataServiceUserXX and a service called QuickBooksDBxx, where XX refers to the version number of QuickBooks and Accounts Business, which increases by 1 each year:
    1. 2024: 33
    2. 2023: 32
    3. 2022: 31
    4. 2021: 30
    5. 2020: 29
    6. 2019: 28
    7. 2018: 27
    8. 2017: 26
    9. 2016: 25
Step 3: Ensure that all Reckon Accounts (Formerly QuickBooks) processes are made exceptions in your firewall, anti-virus and other monitoring programs:
Note: Reckon Accounts uses TCP/IP 


In C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks or ReckonAccounts 20xx, where xx is your year version:

(Accounts Business: C:\Program Files\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 2023)

  • FileManagement.exe
  • QBDBMgr.exe
  • QBDBMgrN.exe
  • QBGDSPlugin.exe
  • QBW32.exe
  • DBManagerExe.exe

In C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit\QuickBooks or Reckon Accounts:

(same directory for Accounts Business 2021)

  • QBCFMonitorService.exe
  • QBUpdate.exe


  • Reckon Accounts 2024 use Port 10187
  • Reckon Accounts 2023 use Port 10186
  • Reckon Accounts 2022 use Port 10185
  • Reckon Accounts 2021 use Port 10184
  • Reckon Accounts 2020 use Port 10183
  • Reckon Accounts 2019 use Port 10182
  • Reckon Accounts 2018 use Port 10181
  • Reckon Accounts 2017 use Port 10180;
Step 4: Restart the QuickBooks Services on the Server.
  1. Click on Start then enter services.msc in the search programs... or Run box;
  2. Find the QuickBooks Database Server Manager or QBCF Monitor Service, right-click and select properties;
  3. Click on the Stop button;
  4. In the Startup Type box select Disabled and click on OK to close
  5. Find QuickBooksDBxx (where xx is your QBi version), right-click and select Properties;
  6. If the service was started, click on the Stop button;
  7. In the Startup Type box select Disabled and click OK to close
  8. Click on QuickBooks Database Server Manager or QBCF Monitor Service, right-click and select Properties;
  9. Click on the Start button and click Apply;
  10. In the Startup Type box select Automatic and click on OK to close;
  11. Click on QuickBooksDBxx (where xx is your QBi version), right-click and select Properties;
  12. In the Startup Type box select automatic and click onOKto close;

Try opening your company file.

Step 5: Delete the .ND files.
  1. Click on Start then Computer and browse to the folder containing your company files;
  2. Ensure that you can see all file extensions and find and delete the .ND files associated with your company files;
  3. On the File Server, launch the QuickBooks Database Server Manager, select your folders containing company files and scan; minimize when complete.
  4. Launch Reckon Accounts on one workstation and open a company file. Open the same file on a second workstation to confirm multi-user access.
  5. On a Peer-to-Peer network, launch Reckon Accounts on the Host PC and open a company file. Switch the file to multi-user mode and open it on a workstation to confirm multi-user access.

-6000, -77 BitDefender instructions:

Refer to BitDefender documentation or technical support to configure access to the following ports as appropriate to your version:

  • Reckon Accounts 2024 use Port 10187;
  • Reckon Accounts 2023 use Port 10186;
  • Reckon Accounts 2022 use Port 10185;
  • Reckon Accounts 2021 use Port 10184;
  • Reckon Accounts 2020 use Port 10183;
  • Reckon Accounts 2019 use Port 10182;
  • Reckon Accounts 2018 use Port 10181;
  • Reckon Accounts 2017 use Port 10180.

Update 25/03/2021

If you are still experiencing the issue, after deleting the .nd file and rescanning it, it is possible that you may have created mapped network drive using the fully qualified domain name.

When using a mapped network drive that was mapped using the fully qualified domain name, it can cause the .ND file to change, specifically the File Path.

It changes from the local path on the server (C:\SharedFolder) to the UNC path (\\ServerName\SharedFolder). And having a UNC path in the ND file can cause the error H202.


  1. Create a new mapped drive. Using just the host name. eg mapped using your host name. (eg: \\ServerName\SharedFolder\)
    Please ensure your mapped network drive is not mapped using the fully qualified domain name (eg: \\\FolderName\). 
  2. Rescan the folder so it creates a new .ND file.
  3. Now try open the file and switch to multi user mode.
Your Accounts Business is now properly configured for multi-user access across a network.

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Reckon Accounts Business has encountered a problem and needs to close when launching it on a Windows

-6123, 0: Connection to the Accounts Business company file has been lost

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