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Unable to access the ellipses option to rename, re-authenticate, or delete feed when Data Feed name is lengthy


When adding a Hosted feed, it always defaults the Feed Name to the path of the Company file. As you can imagine, this can be lengthy, especially for shared company files, as it peruses the full path.

After adding the Hosted feed, the ellipses option (that gives the option to Rename, Reauthenticate, or Delete) is pushed to the right most and not appearing any more on-screen.


  1. Click on the feed to see the sidebar
  2. Right-click on the Feed Name and select Inspect (or Inspect element)

  1. It will open Dev Tools and going to the Element itself. If necessary, expand the tuple.
  2. Right-click and select Edit text, then rename the Data Feed to a shorter name.
  3. Press Enter.

  1. This allows access to the ellipses option.

Take note that this will not retain the new name when closing the sidebar.

How did we do?

Synchronization unsuccessful with Error/Reason: "The company file user has insufficient privileges."

Settings made from a Reckon Insights Template are not being saved

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