Error - Unable to create the folder L\ - when creating the Taxable Payments export file

Legacy KB ID: 4984


Why can’t I create the Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) export file?  I get the error:

Unable to create the folder ‘L\’.

The system cannot find the path specified.



Remove or replace illegal characters in the Company and Legal Name

You will experience this problem if your company file name contains the character ‘\’ (backsplash).  You may get this problem when any reserved Windows character is used in the company file name. 

The Windows Naming Convention reserves the following characters:

<  >  :  “  /  \  |  ?  *

You should also avoid the non-alpha-numeric characters on the first line of a keyboard above the numerals.  That is:

~  !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  (  )  +  =  `


Detailed Instructions

Remove and/or replace any illegal character in the company name:

1.    Company > company Information;

2.    Under contact Information; remove and/or replace illegal characters in the Company Name;

3.    Under Legal Information….., remove and/or replace illegal characters in the Legal Name.


How did we do?

Some transactions missing from Taxable Payments Annual Report

Supplier ABN does not appear in the Taxable Payment Annual Report Preview

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