SuperStream file upload to OZEDI is rejected from Reckon Accounts Hosted

Legacy KB ID: 5390


Why is my SuperStream upload file (SAFF) constantly rejected by OZEDI?  I follow all the instructions and it still is rejected.


A SAFF file will be rejected by OZEDI if the format of certain fields is changed. This can occur whenever you open the exported SAFF file, a CSV file, in a spreadsheet software like Excel.

You may inadvertently open the SAFF file in your spreadsheet software when downloading the file from Reckon Hosted to your PC. 

The Internet Explorer browser in RA Hosted will ask you what to do with the download.

"Do you want to open or save SAFFyyyymmdd.csv (1.23kB) from"

You should chose Save, then Save As, and finally, select a location.

If you inadvertently select Open, the file will open with the default spreadsheet software installed on your PC. The formatting will be adjusted and if you save this file and upload to OZEDI it will be rejected.


What to do

Download the SAFF file from Reckon Hosted again and when prompted by Internet Explorer, choose Save > Save As.   

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