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Sorting - Reckon One API v2

All API endpoints that return a paged list of results support sorting based on the top-level fields

You cannot sort on child lists or child objects.

Sorting is added to the URL as a query string parameter:

/r1/v2/{cashbookId}/ledgeraccounts?orderby=name asc

You can specify any field for sorting. If you want to sort by 2 or more fields, you can include as many as you like. For example:


👆 The above will sort ledger accounts first by type and then by name. The default sort order is ascending alphanumeric for strings or just numeric for numbers. You can change the sort order to descending by including desc after the field name.

Sorting is applied after any filtering, but before paging.

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Paging - Reckon One API v2

Selecting - Reckon One API v2

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