RESC field on Payment Summary in Reckon Accounts shows an amount when it should be blank

Legacy KB ID: 4160


Why do a couple of my employees have an amount showing in the RESC field of the payment summary when no additional super items have been used?


Amounts will appear in the RESC field of the Payment Summary when:

  • Super Salary Sacrifice (SS) or Employer Additional (EA) super payroll items have been used;
  • The employee received more than the statutory 9% Super (SA) or Collective Agreement (CA) when the Payroll & Employee Preference option Calculate RESC difference for SA and/or CA payroll items is ticked;
  • Super amount was overwritten with an amount different to 9%, or the collective agreement rate, or was left at 0%. 

Check the payment of super to the employee on the Super Report by Employee and locate the events that have lead to an amount being recorded in RESC.



Step 1: Open and Modify the Super Report by Employee:

  1. Reports > Employees & Payroll > Super Report by Employee;
  2. Set the Date Range to the relevant financial year
  3. Click on Modify and in the Columns box untick:  Product ID; Fund Name; and Product Name;
  4. Still in the Columns box, tick RESC Amount

You should now see Contribution Type and RESC Amount as the last two columns.


Step 2:  Filter the Super Report by Employee for the employees with the problem:

  1. Modify > Filter > Names > Multiple Names > tick relevant names and click OK;
  2. Identify entries in the RESC Amount field and determine the nature of the error:
    1. If the Contribution type is SS or EA, then the wrong super payroll item has been used in the calculation of Super;
    2. If the Contribution Type is SA or CA and the Amount column is 0.00, then the Super payroll item was set to 0% or was overwritten with zero;
    3. If the Contribution Type is SA or CA and the Amount column has an amount, then either:
      1. The employee was paid more than the statutory amount for SA (9%) or CA (agreed rate), and as is ticked in Preferences, the excess amount was written to RESC.  Check the status of this payment with your Accountant as in some cases excess amounts are not reported to RESC.  Unticking will ensure that excess amounts are not reported to RESC; or,
      2. The Super amount was altered to less than the statutory rate and the difference to 9%, whether higher or lower, has been written to RESC.  This change may have occurred either at the time the pay run was being prepared, or after the pay run was completed.  Examine the Audit Trail to identify the circumstances of the change.
      3. An employee may have been paid too much or too little super in the initial pay run and corrected later.  The difference that was written to RESC is not reversed by the correction. 


Step 3: Correct the entry and eliminate the RESC entry by deleting the super item from the relevant pay and re- entering it correctly.

  1. From the employee Centre, open the relevant pay
  2. Click on Unlock net Pay at the bottom of the window;
  3. Delete the relevant Super item and enter the correct super items with the correct rates or amounts;
  4. Click OK to save and close.  


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