Re-Authenticate Data Feed: Reckon Insights

How to Re-authenticate Data Feed in Reckon Insights?

It usually happens when software Failed to synchronize the feed data and it is required to re-authenticate.

There are few steps to Re-auth the feed is as below -

  1. Login to Reckon Insights at Reckon Customer Portal.
  2. Go to Reckon Insights and Click on Manage to manage the feed.
  3. Clicking on Manage will give you an option to Manage Data feed.
  1. Manage Data Feed will display all the feeds that has been added along with the status of the feed.
  1. Click on the Feed that needs to be Re-authenticate by clicking on the feed name.
  2. Click on the three dots which are next to the feed name as in the screenshot below and click on Re-authenticate feed.
  1. As you click on Re-authenticate, there will be page to sign-in. Use Hosted Credentials to sign and allow the permissions for Reckon Insights.
  1. Select the Data Source for the feed.
  1. Sign-in again using Hosted Credentials to complete authorization.
  1. Once sign-in successfully and permissions are granted, the status will change from Pending to Connected.
  1. Click on Continue to configure feeds and it will take you to a page with all the Data files that you have access to, and you are required to select the data file that you want to configure by clicking on Configure.
  1. Once clicked, it is required to enter the credentials which has been created in Hosted Software under Company - Users and Roles.

If unsure of the credentials at the above-mentioned step, you can always login to Hosted Account - Launch the same company file that you are configuring and check the credentials for the Insights.

If the Data Feed is not displaying in the list of feed, please Remove the feed instead of Re-authenticate and Re-add again.

Please refer to the article on how to create username and password in Hosted for Reckon Insights to add Data Feed - Adding a Reckon Accounts Hosted Data Feed - Reckon Help and Support Centre

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