Loan Manager details not available after upgrade

Legacy KB ID: 4459


I have upgraded my file to the latest version and now I do not have access to my Loan Manager details.  How can I get them back?



You will experience this issue if you have created a new folder for your upgraded company file. 

Loan Manager information is kept in a separate, unlinked file to your company file.  When you upgrade your company file into a new folder your loan manager information is not transferred.  A new loan manager file is created.

The original loan manager file can be manually transferred to the new folder. 


Detailed Instructions

1.    In Windows Explorer, go to your previous version’s data folder;

2.    Copy the file titled:  companyfilename.LMR; 

3.    Paste this file into your new data folder.  When asked if you want to overwrite an existing file, choose YES;

4.    Open the Loan Manager in QuickBooks and you will see your loan manager information. 


How did we do?

Using data files created from International versions on the Australian Reckon Accounts product.

Using data files created from International versions on the Australian Reckon product (Reckon Accounts).

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