Payment Summary - limits the amount of total tax withheld in words to $99,999

Legacy KB ID: 2591


An employee has paid more than $100,000 in tax for the financial year. The payment summary shows the correct amount in numbers but does not show the correct amount in words. The amount electronically reported to the ATO is correct.

How can I make the payment summary reflect the correct amount in words?


The Payment Summary report must be edited to resolve this.
To edit the report;
1) In the Payment Summary report click 'Edit Report'.
2) Select the incorrect field (Under the 'Thousands' title).
3) Press 'Delete' on the keyboard and click 'Yes'.
4) Click 'Add'.
5) Under Object Type select the 'Text' radio button.
6) Enter the amount in words that should be displayed under the 'Thousands' title. Click 'Save'.
7) Place the text box under the Thousands title.

The Payment Summary should now appear correct.

Note: Wherever this problem exists you will need to edit each employee payment summary and print before doing the next employee's payment summary.

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