Using the data file in a previous version of Reckon Accounts after converting to a newer version

Legacy KB ID: 555


How do I use my data file in a previous version of Reckon Accounts after converting to a newer Reckon Accounts version?


Once a company data file has been converted to a newer version of Reckon Accounts, it cannot be opened in any previous version of Reckon Accounts. If you wish to view data from a previous version of Reckon Accounts, you will need to restore a backup made in that previous version of Reckon Accounts. If you do not already have the previous version installed on your computer, you will need to install it prior to attempting these steps. If you do restore a backup in a previous version of Reckon Accounts, any information you have entered in Reckon Accounts since the conversion would need to be reentered to bring your accounts up-to-date.

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