FAQ - Rounding between QuickBooks and QuickPOS for 2002

Legacy KB ID: 3310


When I create an item for $60.00 inclusive of tax in QuickBooks it rounds up by one cent in QuickPOS, why is this?


Programs that interface to QuickBooks can only access the ex-tax price. If you have entered a gross price (Amount inc tax) QuickBooks will calculate the ex-tax price in the same decimal place you entered the inc tax price.

QuickBooks calculation:

$60.00/11=5.45 so ex-tax equals $54.55

Because QuickPOS only gets the ex-tax price we must times this by 10% to add the GST component.

QuickPOS calculation:

$54.55 x 10% = 5.455

By law we must round the GST component to the nearest cent so 5.455 becomes 5.46.

$54.55 + 5.46 = 60.01

How did we do?

Error 1316 The account already exists when upgrading POS

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