No tax code assigned report doesnt detect upgraded transactions

Legacy KB ID: 3813


Why doesn’t the No Tax Code Assigned report show all transactions without tax codes? Some entries are there.


The No Tax Code Assigned report won’t detect single line split transactions from an upgraded file where no tax code is used, with the exception of Refunds in a Business Account.

Effected transactions are:

·         Income - not detected in business or personal accounts

·         Expense - not detected in business or personal accounts

·         Credit - not detected in business or personal accounts

·         Refund - not detected in the personal account but is detected in the business account

The problem only effects the  first line of a split transaction.  Subsequent lines do not have the issue. 


Workaround 1:  Move the transaction from the first line onto the second line. 

Workaround 2:  Edit the missing transactions by adding a .’ (full-stop) in the memo field. 

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