Locating Reckon Accounts -related files on your Windows Operating System

Legacy KB ID: 3567


To operate efficiently on the Windows operating systems released over the past few years, Reckon Accounts had to change the default location of some of its files.  These locations may be different on each operating system.  Below we list the default locations of the main Reckon Accounts files on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.


Use this list in relation to any Knowledge Base article that does not provide specific directions for your current Windows operating system. 


Windows 7:

Installation Folder:    C:\Program Files\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\....

Data Folder:            C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\Reckon Accounts \Company Files\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\

Auxiliary Files:          C:\Users\<logged in User>\AppData\Local\Intuit\Reckon Accounts \log\

                             C:\Program Data\Intuit\.....


Windows Vista:

Installation Folder:    C:\Program Files\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\....

Data Folder:            C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\Reckon Accounts \Company                                           Files\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\

Auxiliary Files:          C:\Users\<logged in User>\AppData\Local\Intuit\Reckon Accounts \log\

                             C:\Program Data\Intuit\.....


Windows XP:

Installation Folder:    C:\Program Files\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\....

Data Folder:            C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Intuit\Reckon Accounts Company Files\Reckon Accounts 20xx-xx\

Auxiliary Files:          C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application                                        Data\Intuit\Reckon Accounts \log\

2007/08 and earlier (all files):        C:\Program Files\Intuit\......


All 64-bit Systems:

Installation:             C:\Program Files x86\Intuit\.....

Registry Key:           HKey_Local_Machine\WOW6432node\Software\Intuit



Some of the sub-folders mentioned here are by default hidden folders within the Windows Operating System.  To view a hidden folder you will need to follow the following steps:

Windows 7 and Vista

Click on the Windows Start button and Computer;

Click on the Organize button in the top left hand corner;

Select Folder and Search Options;

Click on the View tab;

In the larger Advanced Settings box find the entry Hidden files and folders ;

Click the radio button Show hidden files, folders, and drives then OK;

You should now be able to see hidden folders.


Windows XP

Click on the Windows Start button and My Computer;

On the top menu line, click on Tools and select Folder Options;

Click on the View tab;

In the larger Advanced Settings box find the entry Hidden files and folders;

Click the radio button Show hidden files and folders then OK;

You should now be able to see hidden folders.


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Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/categories/reckonapi

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