Stock Split of a share in one Brokerage Account is replicated on the share in another Brokerage Acco

Legacy KB ID: 4361


I have 3 Brokerage Accounts and each one contains shares in company ABC, with different number of shares.  When I do a stock split in the first Brokerage Account, the details of the shareholdings in the 2nd and 3rd Brokerage accounts are replaced with the details of the 1st Brokerage account.  Why?


Quicken maintains one record of a share in its database, regardless of how many Brokerage Accounts it appears in. 

When the share is adjusted by a Stock Split or Consolidation, the changes are translated to all holdings of the share in Quicken.



Quicken stores shares in its database by its name.  Multiple shares can have the same Security Code.  When a share is held in another Brokerage Account, give that share another name – eg instead of ABC, use ABC2. 

You can use the same security code to ensure these renamed shares still have their price histories updated by One Step Update, which works on the security code. 

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