Reckon Accounts Personal Installation Error - The wizard was interrupted before Reckon Accounts Personal could be completely installed

Legacy KB ID: 2676


Why do I receive the Installation Completed screen when trying to install Reckon Accounts Personal (Quicken) and / or exit code: 1601?


Most likely that you are trying to install Reckon Accounts Personal (Quicken) on top of a current installation that you already have.

To install Reckon Accounts Personal you need:

1- Uninstall Reckon Accounts Personal from the Add or Remove programs option under Control Panel (Start menu - Control Panel - Add or Remove programs)

2- Now you can install Reckon Accounts Personal again.

If the above steps are unsuccessful you will need to download Windows Installer Clean Up Utility. The file can be accessed using the link:

Once Save the downloaded file to your Desktop the file is downloaded and saved on your PC, double-click on the file and follow the on-screen instructions.

How do I install the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility?

  1. Save the download file to your Desktop;
  2. Double click on Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility icon on the desktop and extract files to C:\Program Files – it will create another subfolder called Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility;
  3. In the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility open and read the file readme.txt
  4. To install the cleanup utility, click on msicuu.exe and follow the on screen instructions.

How do I run the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility?

To run the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility, use either of the following methods:

 - Click 'Start', click 'All Programs' (or 'Programs' on some operating systems), and then click the shortcut for the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility.

 - Find and run the Msicuu.exe file.

Select the relevant install files from the list, for example: Reckon Accounts Personal 2021 and click on Remove.

If you click 'Remove,' the following prompt is displayed:

   Warning - All items selected will be removed from the Windows Installer

   database. In order for the items to work properly, you must individually.

   re-install all items selected. Select OK to continue removing product,

   Cancel to abort.

If you click 'OK,' all the Windows Installer information that is associated with the selected program will be removed.

Attempt to re-install your software.

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