Imported transactions from Bank Statement to Reckon Personal sometimes show as TXFR

Legacy KB ID: 4427


Why do some transactions imported into Reckon Personal from a bank statement via a QIF file sometimes show TXFR in the Num field?


The occasions this occurs appears to be random and infrequent, but it appears to be related to deleting an imported transaction and re-importing it without having closed the Reckon Personal file. 



Delete the TXFR reference in the Num column.

To do this:

1. First, on the Bank export screen, leave all the boxes unchecked.

2. Make sure to just choose "Transactions," "Memorized Payees," and "Category" on the Reckon "Import" screen. The aim is to eliminate the "TXRF" from the "Num" field the best.

3. Next, select the Memorized Payee list screen (via the Tools or Cash Flow menu) to enable the feature of assigning certain Payees to specific Categories.

4. Verify that everything is right in the "Renaming Rules for Downloaded Transactions" list before "Accepting" any imported transactions.

You may also try this following step:

Open your file.

Click on the Edit menu

Select Find & Replace

Then Find/Replace

Adjust the parameters as needed.

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