Why is my Cash Basis Tax detail report showing payments that have not been applied?

Legacy KB ID: 2870


The problem occurs if payments are not applied to invoices correctly ie. payment accepted but not applied to invoice, partially applied & leaving an unapplied amount or an overpayment.

If not applied to an invoice the tax detail report will show the payment transaction, at its full gross value in the amount column with no tax amount.

For partially paid to an invoice the tax detail report will show the payment transaction, at its full gross value in the amount column, with the correct tax amount in the tax column.

If there is an overpayment, and therefore an unapplied amount, the whole payment will appear in the amount column, with the correct amount in the tax column.


For the first 2 points the solution is to make sure that the payments are applied correctly. To do this go to the invoice register and click on Form on the Payment transaction. Tick the Apply existing credits box, then Enter.

The best work-around for the 3rd point is to change the payment to the invoice amount, by clicking Form on the payment in the invoice register and adjusting the amount to the invoice amount. Then add the overpayment amount as a separate payment. It will still show on the Tax Detail but as a separate transaction, leaving the original invoive payment with a 10% tax amount.

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