How to download Backup (QBB) Files from Hosted


How do I download my backup files from my Reckon Accounts Hosted B:\ drive?


You can download your Reckon Accounts backup files from Hosted using the Floating toolbar (with Red Briefcase icon).

Reckon Accounts Hosted is designed to store your data files in its own Cloud drive called as ‘My Live (Q:) drive. Therefore, all your data files are uploaded to the ‘My Live (Q:) drive in a folder called ‘upload’. Except for the backup files, which is uploaded to your separate backup drive in the cloud called ‘My Backup (B:) drive.

Downloading the file:

1) Once logged into Reckon Accounts Hosted, click on the floating toolbar as shown above.

2) Click on the ‘down arrow icon’ to download the file.

3) You will see the file browser window will open. It will by default look in the My Live Q:\ Drive. Click on the drop-down arrow and select My Backup (B:) drive.

4) To help find the file(s) you want to download you can click the Date Modified column header to sort the files oldest to newest or vice versa.

4) Navigate to the file you wish to download and click on it to start the download.

5) Repeat steps 2-4 for each QBB or QBM file you want to download.

1. For an added precaution, why not save your downloads to an online storage platform like One Drive, Dropbox or Google Drive etc... rather than to your local machine.

2. Remember to use the 'Complete verification' option for your backups. This is the only way to ensure your backup can be restored to an uncorrupted state.

Also see:
Reckon Accounts Hosted - Best Practices
How to improve performance by resetting the TLG file
Reckon Accounts is Frozen or Not Responding When Performing a Backup
Alternative backup options for a large data file on the Reckon Accounts Hosted platform

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