Why are new items, names, or accounts added to the top of the list instead of being incorporated int

Legacy KB ID: 403


Why are new items, names, or accounts added to the top of the list instead of being incorporated into the list alphabetically?


  • Once the order of a list is manually changed, that is by dragging the diamonds next to the name up or down, new items or names will be added at the top rather than sorted into the list.
  • Re-sort the affected list.
  • When a list is re-sorted, all items will be sorted, and any new items will be automatically sorted alphabetically as they're entered.


  • The Chart of Account and the Item list sort by type and then alphabetically.
  • Alphabetically sorting the Item list will not put numbers into numeric order as one may expect. The numbers will be out of sequence but ordered according to the first number.
  • The Chart of Accounts will be sorted by number, if the Accounting Preference "Use Account Numbers" is on.

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