Reckon Accounts Desktop: Open Previous Company List shows only the last company opened

Legacy KB ID: 3611


Why doesn’t my Reckon Accounts Desktop remember my previous companies opened? 

When I open several companies in an Accounts Business session I can see these companies in the Open Previous Company List.

When I start a new Accounts Business session, only the last company opened is shown in the Open Previous Company List.


You may experience this problem when:

  • The Open Previous Company List is set to show only 1 file; or
  • Reckon Accounts Desktop lacks sufficient permissions to modify its file index.

Workaround 1

Reset the Open Previous Company List to show more than one previous files:

  1. Open Reckon Accounts Desktop.
  2. Open any company file (the Sample File is fine).
  3. Go to File.
  4. Go to Open Previous Company.
  5. Click Set Number of Previous Companies.
  6. In the box How many companies do you want to list, enter the number of files you wish to see. The minimum is 1 and maximum is 20.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Open all the companies you want visible in the list.

If this doesn't work, continue with Workaround 2.

Workaround 2

Run Reckon Accounts Desktop as Administrator.

  1. Right-click the Accounts Desktop icon on your desktop.
  2. Select Run as Administrator.
  3. Open any company file (the Sample File is fine).
  4. Go to File.
  5. Go to Open Previous Company.
  6. Click Set Number of Previous Companies.
  7. In the box How many companies do you want to list, enter the number of files you wish to see. The minimum is 1 and maximum is 20.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Open all the companies you want visible in the list.

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