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Setting default pay items and amounts for employees in Reckon One

Learn how to set default pay items and amounts for each employee in Reckon One to automatically prefill pay runs and save time. You can do this as a last step when creating a new employee record, or for an existing employee.

Learn how to set default pay items and amounts in the payroll mobile application.

Pay items that can be included in employee pay setup

You can add the following pay items in employee pay setup:

  • Earnings
  • Allowances
  • Deductions
  • Company contributions.

You cannot add reimbursements, superannuation or leave in pay setup. Superannuation items are added in the superannuation details of the employee profile. Reimbursements and leave need to be added to an employee's pay details within a pay run.

  1. Go to Payroll, then Employees.
  2. Select the employee from the list.
  3. Select Pay from the menu options underneath the employee's name or select Edit details to enter the Edit employee wizard, and select Edit under Pay setup (step 5).
  4. On the left hand side of the Employee pay setup screen, select the Pay rate basis (this may be called Pay rate/period on some plans):
    1. For employees who work variable hours or aren't on a salary, select Hourly and enter the Base (hourly) rate.
    2. For employees who receive a fixed amount of pay that doesn't fluctuate with hours worked, select Salary and enter the Annual rate.
  5. Click Add earnings items.
  6. The first Pay item in Earnings will default to Ordinary if the Pay rate basis is Hourly, or Salary if the Pay rate basis is Salary. Select other pay items from the drop-down list. If there are other pay items required, you will need to create them in Settings in Reckon Payroll Web.
  7. (Optional) Enable the Override button to enter in a custom Rate.
  8. The Rate field is:
    1. the amount the employee earns per hour, if you selected Hourly for Pay rate basis
    2. the sum total of the employee's salary, if you selected Salary for Pay rate basis
  9. The Quantity field will default to the Standard hours worked per week multiplied by the Pay frequency you entered in Employee details. If you entered the sum total of the employee's salary in the Rate field, enter 1 in the Quantity field.
  10. Set up Allowances, Deductions and Company contributions as required.
  11. Once you have finished with this area, click Save & finish.

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