Reckon Accounts: Exporting and importing your invoice and other templates

Legacy KB ID: 5631


I have just started the new file.

How can I bring my customised invoice templates or other templates from an old file over to the new one?


Occasionally you might have to start with the new data file for various reasons, like the old file is too large and slowing down or it is corrupt, or you are starting a new company. You may want to bring the invoice templates or any other templates that you have customised to suit your needs.


You can easily export and import the templates from one file to another.

  1. Export the template from source file.
  2. Import the templates on new file.
  3. If you are using Reckon Accounts Hosted, you will have to upload your templates and logo online to your My Live Q: drive before you are able to import them.

Detailed steps:

  1. Export the template from the source file.
    1. Login to the source file, from where you are exporting the templates
    2. Go to the list menu in top in menu bar and Templates.
    3. Select the Template you wish to export.
    4. Go to the Templates button at the bottom of the templates window and select Export.
    5. The new window prompt will be displayed, enter the file name (if you wish to change or leave as it is) and select the location where you want to save it. (Preferably on Desktop/Documents folder where you can easily access it.)

This concludes the exporting of the templates. Repeat the process for as many templates as you wish to export.

  1. Import the templates on new file
    1. login to the new company file where you wish to import the template.
    2. Go to the list menu, templates and Templates
    3. Select import.
    4. Navigate to the location where you have exported the template file earlier in step1.
    5. Select the file and press Open.
    6. You will get to the basic customization window. You can make basic changes here or add logo if you have one.
    You will have to move the logo file across too along with your templates, as it is a separate image file. It does not form the part of the template.
    1. Press OK to conclude.

If you are using Reckon Accounts Hosted, you will have to upload your templates and logo online to your My Live Q: drive before you are able to import them.

Please follow this instruction on how to upload them.

Please see this instruction on how to add the logo back

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