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How to add the data feed for Insights Demo Book

Adding the Insights Demo Book as a data feed is similar to adding any Reckon One Book. The availability of the Insights Demo Book under Shared with me enables this Book to be available as a data feed.

If the Insights Demo Books is missing, and you haven't allocated or re-allocated your Insights License, see the following article: How to access the Insights Demo Book in Reckon One.

Add the Insights Demo Book as a data feed

  1. Log in to
  2. Select Reckon Insights from the Products' pane
  3. Click on Manage

  1. Click on Manage to open the Reckon Insights User and Feed Management page
  2. Click on Add first data feed (or Manage data feeds for existing feeds)

  1. Select Reckon One as a data source
  2. Click Continue
  3. Once connected, click on Continue to configure feeds

  1. On the North Shore Bistro (Insights Demo), select Configure
  2. Click on Configure again on the working pane
  3. Then, click on Finish

Once completed, the North Shore Bistro (Insights Demo) would be available in the Data feeds page.

The next step of adding users is very important in order to view the Insights Demo Book in Reckon Insights.

See Adding a User to a Data Feed.

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How to access the Insights Demo Book in Reckon One

Insights Demo Book: Accounts Receivable

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